The first thing you see is the beautiful blue ocean, as far as the eye can see, and reflections in the wet sand. The water dogs run or lay in the water, enjoying the water gently lapping around them. You smell and taste the salt in the air.
Then you hear the gentle sound of waves crashing on the shore, the distant sound of dogs barking in excitement as their owners throw a ball. The squeal of delight when puppies find a new doggie friend to play with.
The feel of the sea breeze, and the delight of the dogs enjoying the beach gives a sudden sense of peace.
The dog beach, when anything throws me off balance it is my perfect place to put my cares behind me. A place where I can find my centre.
The dog beach, such a beautiful place to bring back those memories with beautiful photos.
This is week 3 of 52 weeks, the theme is centre. You can visit more photographers in the blog circle, and find out what they have created from the theme ‘centre’. Start by seeing the fantastic blog post from BARKography by Kim Hollis based in Charlotte NC.